


1. Technoscientific Posthumanism: a Philosophical Approach, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2014 (forthcoming).

2. Towards a Hermeneutics of the Technological World: From Heidegger to Contemporary Technoscience, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2010.

3. Notes and Commentary to: Martin Heidegger, Phenomenological Interpretations to Aristotle, translated by G. Iliopoulos, edited with an introduction and notes by G. Maggini, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2011, pp. 217-332.

4. La justice de la pensée – La critique de la métaphysique de la subjectivité dans le différend heideggérien avec Nietzsche, Publications of the Sophia Saripolos Benefit Foundation-National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Athens 2011.

5. Habermas and the Neoaristotelians. The Ethics of Discourse in Jürgen Habermas and the Challenge of Neoaristotelianism, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2006.


1. «Martin Heidegger’s Confrontation with Nietzsche and the Task of Thought», Preface to: Martin Heidegger, The Will to Power as Art, transl. into modern Greek by G. Iliopoulos, edited by G. Xiropaidis, Plethron Publishers, Athens 2011.

2. George Steiner, Heidegger, transl. by A. Karavanta, edited by G. Maggini, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2009.

3. Introduction to: Françoise Dastur, Heidegger and the Question of Time, transl. by M. Pagalos, edited by G. Maggini, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2007.

4. Preface to: Jacques Derrida, Spurs. The Styles of Nietzsche, transl. by G. Faraklas, “Estia” Publishers, Athens 2002.

5. Preface to: Anthony Grafton, Footnote. A Curious History, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2001.

6. «Albert Camus: the absurd as a tragic affirmation of life», Preface to: Leto Katakouzenos, Conversations with Albert Camus, Aggelos & Leto Katakouzenos Foundation, Athens 2011, pp. 7-14.

III.             BOOKS EDITED

1. Françoise Dastur, Heidegger and the Question of Time, transl. by M. Pagalos, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2007.

2. George Steiner, Heidegger, transl. by A. Karavanta, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2009.

3. Martin Heidegger, Phenomenological Interpretations to Aristotle, translated by G. Iliopoulos, edited with an introduction and notes by G. Maggini, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2011.

4. Golfo Maggini & Eleni Leontsini (eds.), States and Citizens: Community, Identity, Diversity, A. Onassis Public Foundation, Athens 2014.


1. Anthony Grafton, Footnote. A Curious History, Patakis Publishers, Athens 2001.


1. «A Critique of Ethical Egoism: Nietzsche in Max Horkheimer’s Early Thought», in Critical Theory: Tradition and Perspectives, edited by Konstantinos Kavoulakos, Nissos Publishers, Athens 200, pp. 47-58.

2. «Ontologie et justice chez les Présocratiques», in Mythe et justice dans la pensée grecque, edited by Stamatios Tzitzis, Maria Protopapa-Marneli, Bjarne Melkevik, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Montréal 2009, pp. 109-135.

3. «Finitude, Temporality, Imagination: Heidegger as interpreter of the Practical Reason in Kant», in On Immanuel Kant. 200 Years after, University of Ioannina-Sector of Philosophy & Nissos Publishers, Athens 2006, pp. 299-338.

4.. «What is Technoscience? From Bachelard to Latour» in S. Arapostathis, F. Kanellopoulou, T. Tympas (eds.), History, Technology, Society, Ekdotiki Athinon, Athens 2014.
5. «Speech and Beyond : On the Political Implications of the Early Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Befindlichkeit», in Stamatios Tzitzis, Bjarne Melkevik, Maria Protopapas-Marneli (eds.), Rhétorique et justice, Presses de l’Université de Louven, Louven 2014.


1.      G. Maggini, H. Karabatzaki, V. Solomou-Papanikolaou & Joao Vila-Chã (eds.),  Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Ioannina, July 28-30, 2013, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy & The University of Ioannina-Department of Philosophy, Washington D.C. 2014.  


«Friedrich Nietzsche. Towards a Genealogy of Modernity – Critique, ascetic ideal, and nihilism», in: Texts on Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, edited by Byron Kaldis, Publications of the Hellenic Open University, Patras 2008, pp. 111-122 (in modern Greek).