

-         «Critical theory versus philosophical hermeneutics: the Habermas-Gadamer debate» (postgraduate).
-         «Contemporary practical philosophy» (graduate).
-         «Modern and Contemporary Philosophy: Phenomenology in the 20th Century» (graduate).
-         «Contemporary phenomenology: An Introduction to Martin Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology» (graduate).
-         «Contemporary practical philosophy: ethics and the theory of modernity» (graduate).
-         «“Autonomy” and “authenticity”: Two rival paradigms in contemporary normative ethics» (postgraduate).
-         «The reception and critique of Kant’s Ethics in the 19th century: Hegel-Schopenhauer-Nietzsche» (postgraduate).
-         «Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction» (graduate).
-         «Philosophical Hermeneutics: An Introduction» (graduate).


A. PhD Thesis Supervision:

          1.  PhD. Thesis: «Wittgenstein – Heidegger:  modernity, science, technology».
        2. PhD. Thesis: «Ontology and Language in Plato: The Questioning of Contemporary Hermeneutics».

B. Master Degrees (selection):

1.      «Mechanism and teleology as two rival was of comprehending the phenomenon of life in modern thought».
2.      «Language and metaphor in ancient ontology: the perspective of contemporary hermeneutics».
3.      «Authority in education: contemporary philosophical issues and perspectives».
4.      «Authenticity as a hermeneutic “paradigm” in Alexander Nehamas’ reading of the history of philosophy».
5.      «Education in an Age of Nihilism: From Nietzsche to Foucault and beyond».
6.      «Morality and resentment in Friedrich Nietzsche and Max Scheler».