


1. «Monde et fondement dans les Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) de Martin Heidegger», ALTER. Revue de phénoménologie 8 (1998), pp. 235-274.

2. «Le “style de l'homme à venir”: Nietzsche dans les Contributions à Ιa Philosophie de Martin Heidegger», Symposium. Revue de la société canadienne pour l’herméneutique et la pensée postmoderne 11 (1998), pp.191-210 [reviewed in The Philosopher's Index].

3. «Movement and the Facticity of Life: Οn Heidegger's Early Interpretation of Aristotle», Philosophical Inquiry. An International Quarterly XXI/2 (1999), pp. 93-108 [reviewed in The Philosopher's Index].

4. «Gestalt, subjectivité, négativité. L'interprétation heideggérienne du Surhomme et sa critique de la morphologie des cultures chez Spengler», Philosophiques. Revue de la société de philosophie du Québec  XXVI/1 (1999),  pp. 53-70.

5. «Εn chemin vers une nouvelle pensée fondative: vérité, abîme et langue chez Heidegger», Études Phénoménologiques XV /29-30 (1999), pp. 127-160.

6. «Vérité et justice chez Nietzsche», Nietzsche-Studien XXVIII (1999), pp.80-99 [reviewed in The Philosopher's Index].

7. «La première lecture heideggérienne de l'Éternel Retour», Dialogue. Canadian Philosophical Review XXXIX/1 (1999), σελ. 25-52 [reviewed in Philosopher's Index].

8. «Ηistοrical and Practical Kairos in Heidegger's Εarly Freiburg and Marburg Courses», Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology XXXII/1 (2001), σελ. 81-92 [reviewed in The Philosopher's Index].

9. «From the Untimely Meditations to the Genealogy of Morals: justice and ressentiment in Nietzsche», Hellenic Philosophical Review 21 (2004), pp.5-21 (in modern Greek).


10. «Last Gods in Heidegger: A Nietzschean Heritage?», Philosophical Inquiry. An International Quarterly 27 (2005), pp. 63-71.

11. «Judgment and Application: the Ethics of Dialogue in Habermas and its Neoaristotelian critics», Axiologika 15 (2006), pp. 241-258 (in modern Greek).

12. «Heidegger οn the “Εnigma” of Movement», Dodoni. Annual Report of the School of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina 43 (2004), pp. 67-87.

13. «From the Phenomenology of the Will to the Metaphysics of Power: Heidegger’s Lecture Courses on Nietzsche», Ipomnima sti filosofia 5 (2006),  pp. 131-152 (in modern Greek).

14. «Technique et justice à la fin de la métaphysique. D’une herméneutique de la technique chez Heidegger », Revue Philosophique de Louvain 104 (2006), pp. 529-553.

15. «Towards a Phenomenology of the Tragic: On Reiner Schürmann», Filosofia. Yearbook of  the Research Center for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 36 (2006), pp. 67-82 (in modern Greek).

16. «Feminist Ethics between Justice and Care: the Kohlberg-Gilligan Controversy in the Light of Discourse Ethics», Skepsis 17 (2006), pp. 107-119 [reviewed in The Philosopher's Index].

17. «Towards a Hermeneutics of Health: Medicine between Science and Healing Art in Hans-Georg Gadamer»,  Deukalion 24 (2007), pp. 199-211 (in modern Greek).

18. «Figure, Limit, and the Classical Work of Art», Filosofia. Yearbook of  the Research Center for greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 37 (2007), pp. 37-45.

19. «Le dépassement de l'esthétique dans l'herméneutique heideggérienne de l'oeuvre d'art», Filosofia. Yearbook of the Research Center for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 38 (2008), pp. 287-299.

20. «Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Genealogy: Three Major Perspectives in the Contemporary Philosophy of Education», Hellenic Philosophical Review 25 (2008), pp. 234-247 (in modern Greek).

21. «From Space to Place: Towards a Hermeneutics of Place», Filosofia. Yearbook of  the Research Center on Hellenic Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 39 (2009), pp. 33-50.

22. «Nietzsche through Aristotle: Ontology, Hermeneutics, and the End of Metaphysics», Ariadni. Journal of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete 14 (2008), pp. 221-244.

23. «Modern and Late Modern Philosophy of Education: Challenges and Perspectives», Dodoni. Annual Report of the School of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina  34 (2004-07), σελ. 7-34 (in modern Greek).

24. «Bergson and Phenomenology», Ariadni. Journal of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete 15 (2009), pp. 125-154 (in modern Greek).


25. «L’éternel retour nietzschéen et la question de la technique. De l’amor fati au nihilisme technique selon Heidegger», Revue Philosophique de Louvain 108/1 (2010), pp. 91-112.

26. «Chrysostomos Mantzavinos’ Naturalistic Hermeneutics: Α Critical Appraisal», Mythos-Magazin. Erklärende Hermeneutik/Explanatory Hermeneutics. Online-Magazin für die Bereiche Mythosforschung, Ideologieforschung und Erklärende Hermeneutik 7 (2012), on line: htpp://, 14 σελ.

27. «Hubert Dreyfus – Albert Borgmann: Post-Heideggerian Perspectives on Modern Technology», Filosofia. Yearbook of  the Research Center for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 44 (2014), 23  pp. (in modern Greek)

28. «Bodily Presence, Absence, and their Ethical Challenges: Towards a Phenomenological Ethics of the Virtual», Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology 17/3 (Fall 2013).

29.«Contemporary Greek Philosophy at the Crossroads: Neokantianism – Existentialism – Phenomenology», Modern Greek Studies (forthcoming, Spring 2014).

30. «The Wars of the Twentieth (and Twenty-First) Century and the Twentieth (and Twenty-First) Century as War: Jan Patočka on Sacrifice and the Crisis of Europe’s “Supercivilization”», COLLeGIUM. Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences-Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, special issue: “Dictatorship of Failure: The Discourse of Democratic Failure in the Current European Crisis”, José Filipe Silva & Alejandro Lorite Escorihuela (eds.), 14 (2013), pp.  160-175.

31. «On the Status of Technology in Heidegger’s Being and Time”, Studia Philosophiae Christianae (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University-Institute of Philosophy), 50/1, special issue on Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time (Winter 2014), 15 pp.

32. «Europe’s Janus Head: Jan Patočka’s Phenomenological Elucidation of the Crisis of Modern European Civilization», to appear in Epoche. A Journal for the History of Philosophy.

33. «Hubert Dreyfus on “robust realism” in Heidegger or Heidegger against Davidson», under review, Ariadni. Journal of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete, 18 pp.

34. «The Beginnings of Phenomenology in Greece – Konstantine D. Georgoulis as a Phenomenologist», Filosofia. Yearbook of the Research Center for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 45 (2015), 12 pp.


1. «A Footnote on Footnoting», Cogito 2 (2005), pp. 118 (in modern  Greek).

2. «Ethical Egoism in Max Horkheimer», in: “To enlarge the debate over Critical Theory”, edited by Konstantinos Kavoulakos, Sygchrona Themata 90 (2005), pp. 78-80 (in modern Greek).

3. «Women and Moral Theory: Martha Nussbaum – Seyla Benhabib», Cogito 5 (2006), pp. 104-105 (in modern Greek).

4.      «Education in modern times: a brief overview», Diaplous 24 (2008), pp. 47-51 (in modern Greek).

5.      «Being Noone: Towards a New Science of ConsciousnessOn the Occasion of a Lecture by Professor Thomas Metzinger»,


1.Martin Heidegger, Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik: Welt – Endlichkeit – Einsamkeit. Filosofia. Proceedings of  the Research Center on Hellenic Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 25-26 (1995-96), pp. 376-385 (in modern Greek).

2. Alexander Nehamas, The Art of Living. Socratic Reflexions from Plato to Foucault. Skepsis 10 (1999), pp. 178-182.

3. Andrej Wiercinski (ed.), Between the Human and the Divine. Philosophical and Theological Hermeneutics. Hellenic Philosophical Review 24 (2007), pp. 79-87.

4. Georg Xiropaidis, The Conflict of Interpretations. Gadamer – Habermas (Polis, Athens 2008, in modern Greek), Critica 3 (2009), pp.31-40 (

5. John Mackie, Ethics, Critica 1 (2011) ( html).

6. Gilles Deleuze, Le bergsonisme, translation-introduction-appendix: Yannis Prelorentzos, Αthens 2010, Filosofia. Proceedings of  the Research Center for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens 43 (2013), 8 pp.

       7.       Martin Heidegger, Der Begriff der Zeit,  introduction-translation: D. Ifantis, Αthens 2009, 
                           dia-LOGOSAnnuary of Philosophical Research 1 (2011),  pp. 323-328.

8. Volker Gerhardt, Die Funken des Freien Geistes, Berlin 2011, New Nietzsche Studies, Winter 2013-14.

      9.   Alain Juranville, «Droit, psychanalyse, politique», Sygchrona
Themata 3(2000), pp. 89-102 (translation into modern Greek).